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3.7 How to Set Up Spam Filtering for POP3 Mail Clients
The above instructions (section 3.6) only apply if you are using Netfirms WebMail as your e-mail client. For Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other POP3 client, spam filtering functionality is built into the e-mail program. See the program's help documentation for additional information.
3.8 How to Configure MX Records
MX records are used for mail routing when you want a company other than Netfirms to manage the e-mail for your domain. You can set up MX records on the Domains menu tab.
  1. Click the Domains menu tab to access the Domain Manager.
  2. Click the Admin button adjacent to the domain name for which you want to set up MX Records.
  3. Click the MX Record button.
  4. Enter the new MX record addresses.
  5. Click the Reset button to reset to default settings, if needed (this will restore the record back to defaults).
  6. Click the Modify button to accept settings.
Notes: Changing the MX records means you will not be able to receive e-mail through Netfirms, including WebMail. It may take up to 48 hours for an MX record modification to become active across the entire Internet.


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