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MySQL Database Management

Create a new MySQL database

  1. Log in to your Hosting Dashboard.
    hosting tab
  2. In the left pane, click on MySQL Management.
    Click on MySQL Management
  3. Click on Add MySQL Database.
    Add new MySQL Database
  4. Name the new database.
    Name the new MySQL Database
  5. Create a username and password for the new database.
    Set user and password for the new MySQL Database
  6. Configure privileges for the new database.
    Set privileges for the new database user.
  7. Save, and your new database will be created.

To manage a MySQL database from phpMyAdmin:

  1. Log in to your Hosting Dashboard.
    hosting tab
  2. In the left pane, click on MySQL Management.
    Click on MySQL Management
  3. Click Manage on the database you want to access.
    Manage your domain
  4. Click on phpMyAdmin for the selected database.
    Click on phpMyAdmin.
  5. You now have access to phpMyAdmin for your database.
    phpMyAdmin 4.8.5 interface
Note: The MySQL version cannot be upgraded in a shared hosting platform. For more details, please reach our customer service for assistance. .

Backup a MySQL database

To create an on-demand MySQL database backup (all tables):

  1. Log in to your Hosting Dashboard.
    hosting tab
  2. In the left pane, click on MySQL Management.
    Click on MySQL Management
  3. Click Manage on the database you want to access.
    Manage your domain
  4. Click on phpMyAdmin for the selected database.
    Click on phpMyAdmin.
  5. With your database selected in the left pane:
    • Click on the Export tab
    • The quick method will export all tables
    • Format SQL and Go
    Quick Export.
  6. Your database is available for download and other options.
    Download and options.

To schedule specific tables in a database for an on-demand backup

  1. Log in to your Hosting Dashboard.
    hosting tab
  2. In the left pane, click on MySQL Management.
    Click on MySQL Management
  3. Click Manage on the database you want to access.
    Manage your domain
  4. Click on phpMyAdmin for the selected database.
    Click on phpMyAdmin.
  5. With your database selected in the left pane:
    • Click on the Export tab
    • Change the Export method to Custom
    • Select the tables you want to Export
    • Change any other Export options
    • Format SQL and Go
    • Your database is available for download and other options.
    Custom export database

Delete or drop a MySQL database

  1. Log in to your Hosting Dashboard.
    hosting tab
  2. In the left pane, click on MySQL Management.
    Click on MySQL Management
  3. Click the garbage can icon.
    Verify deletion of database
  4. Verify that you are dropping the selected database, and click on Delete Database.
Warning! Once a database is dropped, this action is irreversible, and all data stored in the database is lost.