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Roundcube: Migration FAQ

Roundcube Migration FAQ

1. Where can I learn more about Roundcube

We have several Roundcube articles prepared for you in our Knowledge Base:

2. Do I need to use different login credentials to access my email

You keep the same login credentials as you had before.

3. Do I need to reconfigure anything on my phone or desktop mail client

The migration into Roundcube shouldn't have any effect on your phone or email client setup.

4. How do I access Roundcube

The same way you currently access webmail (for more info, click here).

5. What happens to my mailbox's messages, calendar events, and contacts

All of your messages, calendar events, and contacts are automatically transferred into Roundcube for you. If you experience any missing data, please contact support.

6. Can I switch back to my previous webmail tool

As we begin transitioning all of our customers onto Roundcube, we will still provide the temporary option to switch back to your previous webmail tool as a means to troubleshoot any difficulties you run into. However, all of our previous webmail tools will become unavailable once the migration into Roundcube is complete.

7. I've purchased certain webmail upgrades in Open-Xchange. What happens to those as I get migrated into Roundcube

You will retain any mailbox storage upgrades that you've purchased. Any Open-Xchange specific upgrades (such as the Mobile or Business upgrades) will be discontinued once you have been migrated into Open-Xchange. Any content that you have stored in your Open-Xchange Business Infobox will be removed as part of the migration. You will not be charged for discontinued Open-Xchange upgrades once you are migrated into Roundcube.

8. My Address Book and Contacts did not migrate, what should I do

Do not worry! If your address book and contacts did not migrate, please contact us, and we can fix it for you.

9. Notice anything else strange

We want to know, please contact us for any feedback or concerns regarding the migration.
