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What is Domain Propagation?

Propagation Explained

Updating the nameservers of a domain usually takes 0 to 24 hours to take effect, but they are known to take as long as 48 hours to go into full effect. This period is called Domain or DNS Propagation and refers to the amount of time needed for DNS changes to update across the web.

DNS zone record changes such as A, MX, and CNAME records can typically take 0 to 4 hours to resolve but are known to take as long as 8 hours to go into full effect.

During propagation, not all of your website's visitors are directed to the new nameservers; some visitors will still be directed to the old nameservers until propagation is complete.

The length of time when visitors are directed to the new nameservers depends on their physical location, ISP, and some luck; it is something that is beyond our control. Once propagation is complete, your website will appear, and your email will be fully functional.

What do I need to do during DNS Propagation?

It is imperative for one not to make modifications during the DNS Propagation. We advise our customers to wait for the Propagation time to be fully completed.

Can DNS Propagation be expedited?

There is nothing that can be done to expedite the process for DNS Propagation. It is recommended to plan ahead of time to lessen the impact of the downtime caused by propagation. 

How to check if DNS propagation has been completed?

There is no definitive way to tell when propagation is complete. However, you may use online DNS checkers in order to track if the DNS record information has already propagated.

DNS Checker provides a free DNS lookup service for checking domain DNS records against a randomly selected list of DNS servers in different corners of the world. This is where you may confirm whether a website is completely propagated worldwide or not.

Here is the list of the most popular DNS checkers:

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